Manifest it. How do I do that?

download (5)My psychic, C, told me to “manifest my new life.”

Um, what? How in the hell do I do that?

“Picture yourself in the house you want, the job you want and with the type of person you want to be with.”  (that one is easy…someone who is the COMPLETE OPPOSITE of my stbex)

She said to take ten minutes everyday and sit in silence and just picture it all in my mind.

I also have to write it down….so here goes nothing!

1. I see myself in a job working as a special education teacher and loving it as much as I love my current special education position.

2. I see me and the kids living in a quaint home that we can make our own. Finished basement and a pool in a great neighborhood for kids.

3. I see us being happy and at peace and with old friends, new friends and my family.

4. When the time is right, I see myself with someone who is honest, trustworthy, caring, thoughtful, puts family first, selfless, fun, has a sense of humor, friendly spontaneous….

If I do this everyday then maybe it will happen. She only sees good things for me.

Good because I am sick of eating shit sandwiches.

8 thoughts on “Manifest it. How do I do that?

  1. My cabinets are stocked with shit sandwiches. I am glad that I read this post. I posted “one day” for very similar reasons you posted this and finally writing it down instead of just imagining it is already making a difference. I can feel the positive energy and determination flowing through my veins. Let’s do it. We got this 🙂


      1. My current job has potential to be a career. I work in a steel mill. I make good money.

        The house just hasn’t been there yet. I can’t imagine it really. I just want a small house…enough for me and my boys, and a huge yard. maybe 3 plus acres. But in my area….that’s extremely hard to find, but I won’t give up, that’s my dream, and something I really want one day.

        Another woman???? yeah uhhhh……no idea. LOL!!!


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